American Mathematics Olympiad 2021

We are profoundly delighted to announce that the vibrant students of our college participated in “American Mathematics Olympiad” AMO 2021. AMO is an international Mathematics Competition jointly organized by SIMCC and Southern Illinoise University SIU. Singapore International Math Contests Centre (SIMCC) is the main organizer of AMO. Overall twenty-four countries across the world participated in this contest. 43 students from Pakistan participated in this contest. Out of these eight were from Wah Cantt, nine from Islamabad and rest were from Karachi. Five students from MDC participated in this contest and won four Bronze Awards and certificates. Award Distribution Ceremony was organized in UW Auditorium on 7th Jan 2022. Prof. Dr. Jameel-un Nabi, Vice Chancellor UW was the Chief Guest. He distributed awards and certificates among the winners. He appreciated the outstanding performance of the students and the faculty members and announced the cash prize of Rs. 5000/- for each award winner.

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